Monday Oct 03, 2016
snacktime - particle devotion
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
We'll keep this one brief, these guys Particle Devotion are friends of friends of ours from New Orleans, and we're pleased as punch to be putting them up at the Way Out Club this Thursday, 10/6. These guys employ a wide range of instrumentation to sculpt flawless artisanal dreamy indie rock gems. Seriously, anytime you have somebody in your band credited with both vibraphone and vocoder, you have our attention, lol. Give it a swing if that is your thing, and then come catch them Thurday with locals The Oddfellows and Comrade Catbox. Full album available at: https://particledevotion.bandcamp.com
(cough) also, don't forget WAY OUT WEIRDO WEDNESDAY #13 also at the Way Out the day prior, 10/5, featuring Nebulosa, Scheiffv, Jason LaChance, the long awaited return of the original 4-piece lineup of Brain Transplant, and a musical blind date between Santur (persian hammered dulcimer) player Ali Naeini and percussionist Drew Gowran. SUCH FUN. (cough cough cough)
Friday Sep 30, 2016
snacktime - neiman martin "nights in paris/progress/slow walk"
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
You know what they say, "the best laid plans of mice and pterodactyls often go awry". Yeah... We delinquent. We know. New episodes and snacktimes have been slow to materialize, because life is crazy right now. Playing/booking/working lots of shows, new jobs, school, babies. We busy. But it would have been EXTREMELY remiss of us not to drop this today, like we meant to do weeks ago.
Neiman Martin is a sharp, fresh, young rhymesmith that bowled us over when we caught him at a hip hop show at the Way Out a couple months ago. He turned in a confident, skilled, and arresting set, on an absolutely killer bill full of hot talent that also included perrenial champs The Domino Effect, gothy tinged R&B from Sailem, and our new pals Insane Analog (head honcho Patric Brown serendipitously showed up and filled an unexpectedly empty slot for us at the last Way Out Weirdo Wednesday, sans backing band- if you were there, you remember how good that was for sure).
Neiman's lyrical sensibilities are smart as fuck, his beats are refreshing, and he's from North County. Triple threat, I'm tellin' ya. We're rushing this snacktime episode out tonight because we love you and don't want you to miss your opportunity to catch him yourself tomorrow night, (10/1/16) when he returns to the Way Out Club (I'd put the address here, but if you follow this podcast and haven't picked up that info by now, you're pretty much hopeless lol), appearing alongside Ali Kool, $leazy, Bry Bee, and SHVL. So check out these three tunes, some of our favorites off his mixtape "Music Vol. 1", which you can find along with other goodies at https://soundcloud.com/neimanmartin Or better yet, come to the show and toss dude a five spot for a CD copy, because you KNOW that local talent deserves your support.
Friday Aug 19, 2016
snacktime - zero control @ kismet 7/23/2016
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Zero Control is drummer Drew Gowran, rapper Sentel Brown, and David Bell on synthesizers and vocal/drum processing. If you listened to Episode 38, that was them at the very end. Their most recent set was last month in support of ex-pat pal Night Grinder. Unfortunately, SB couldn't make the show, so they tossed a book at Austin Case (Spagyric, The Icebergs) and said "READ", because he's usually good for that, as he was this evening. So here is the recording courtesy Dingus and his Zoom recording thingus, Zero Control featuring Austin Case.
If you're not busy tomorrow night (Saturday 8/20), you should pop on over to Kismet, where David and Drew will again be performing, separately this time. Drew is releasing his debut solo drum cassette, and will be playing it live in full, with assistance from Alberto Patino and Dave Stone. David will be opening up the evening with an extended Jaded Evil Lambs set- he's got a bunch of new toys so it should be really nutballs.
Check out Drew's record, it's really good! https://drewgowran.bandcamp.com/releases
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
snacktime - nebumeister @ way out weirdo wednesday #11 (part 1)
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
So, if you saw the event/flyer for August's Way Out Weirdo Wednesday, you probably like "who is Jessipher?" Well, that's homey Jesse Edmister, who was to make his solo noise debut. However, what we really ended up with was a nebumeister set, which is the duo configuration of Jesse and Julio Prato of local psych heroes Kenshiro's, who has been kicking around experimental solo compositions as nebulosa (nebulosa + Edmister = nebumeister, got it?)
They turned in a super enjoyable debut performance, here's the first piece they played, we'll be posting the second half eventually, after we toss out some other things we've been sitting on.
They've got a groovy little three track record up as well if you wanna give that a go: https://nebulosamusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-magnolia-cluster
Also, they've got another set coming up this next Monday at Foam with IGM and Lugweight (from DC and NY respectively- some of Josh Levi's pals so you know it'l bee worth checking out), and Jake Leech. Dig it: https://www.facebook.com/events/1080935828657422/
Monday Aug 01, 2016
snacktime - nnn cook @ way out weirdo wednesday #8
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Nathan Cook is one of the heavy thinkers of the STL experimental scene, every performance he gives and every single stellar release on the tape label he curates has a ton of thought and meaning and intent behind it. When he joined us at the Way Out Club back in May, evidently his intent was to get a synthy minimalist dance party going. A pleasantly unexpected head-bopper. Get yourself more at http://www.close-far.com/ and also be sure to check out his monthly experimental concert series Bruxism. It's a great time to be a weirdo in St. Louis.
Next Way Out Weirdo Wednesday is in two days, 8/3/16, featuring Jessipher, Larva Lu, Regicide Bureau, Tom Hill, and Kenshiro's. Be there.
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
snacktime - kevin harris @ way out weirdo wednesday #10
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Gonna keep the notes brief today. Modular maestro Kevin Harris always crushes, but this set he turned in at the Way Out Club on 7/6/2016 was exceptionally fun. Thanks, homeskillet!
The next Way Out Weirdo Wednesday is coming up fast, we've got sets lined up for you by STL experimental/noise legends Regicide Bureau and Larva Lu, the debut noise set by Jessipher, the psychedelic ramblings of Kenshiro's, and a stand up comedy set by Tom Hill! You don't want to miss this one.
Expect more snacktimes soon, I know we've been quiet lately, but that's about to change. Starting to get a bit of a backlog here, so get ready for the dam to break. You should have like a month of canned goods on hand.
Aight. Later. See you at the Way Out next week!
Friday Jul 01, 2016
paradoxal pterodactyl - episode 38
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
curated by dingus, brad, and husky sombrero. specimens: sb, bryan hobein, chad, curta, animal/object feat. jim fitzpatrick, speedpsychic, lanx borealis, kid mask (night grinder remix), morlox, steve & ian, vehemence 6.2, tim, ky, rebecca watson, fry 13, david bell & drew gowran, justin symbol, shane, boidie, catlady, bachman, israel, phil ferguson, love kingsford, jaded evil lambs feat. ho pham, zero control.
Friday Apr 08, 2016
snacktime - blank thomas @ way out weirdo wednesday #7
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Big thanks to everybody who came out to Way Out Weirdo Wednesday this week, it was a hell of a time, with a super quiet introspective set from Matt Muslin's project Zwornikins, the super fresh debut set by Grocer (including stunning performances by two masked interpretive dancers!), and the minimal guitar deconstruction of Berdella. But the set we want to share with you right now is this superlative gem by Blank Thomas, aka Blake Butler. This set ran the full gamut of electronic expression, from superchill dubby atmospheres to straight up noisy club bangers, there is something here to get just about veryone's butt moving. Thanks as always to Bob & Sherri at the Way Out, and an extra shout out to Biggie Stardust for sending his homies our way, thereby instigating the "Ambient April" motif, which we hope to make an annual event. Join us next month for Way Out Wednesday #8 on 5/4, featuring the new noisy synth-rap jam band Zero Control (Drew Gowran, Sentel Brown, and David Bell), the introspective experimental arrangements of NNN Cook, and more acts to be announced shortly. See you there!
For more Blank Thomas awesomeness, check out his release "405 Skies" available now through the excellent CoMo collective Dismal Niche: https://dismalnichetapes.bandcamp.com/album/405-skies
Monday Apr 04, 2016
snacktime - grocer "03 26 16"
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Grocer specializes in improvised ambient soundscapes of strictly hardware origin. He was sent our way by fellow ambient pal of the podcast Biggie Stardust, and we are super proud to be able to host Grocer's debut live performance in two days at the next Way Out Weirdo Wednesday! Somehow the usual mixed-genre format got subverted and we have a full bill of chillout droney minimalist stuff in a range of different flavors, featuring Grocer, Blank Thomas, Berdella, and Zwornikins. We're calling it "Ambient April" and we might just have to make it a yearly thing.
This cut right here is a special bonus track outtake from Grocer's debut cassette, recorded and pressed with the assistance of wunderkind Chelsi Webster on Pack Rat Records, which a little birdie tells us may or may not make it in the mail in time for release at the show Wednesday. You'll just have to come on out to the Way Out Club and find out for yourself. Doors at 9. Free show. It'll do you good.
Grocer soundcloud action: https://soundcloud.com/inclusive003/
Monday Apr 04, 2016
snacktime - sister grotto "you don't have to be a house to be haunted"
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Brad sent this snacktime in from the Paradoxal Pterodactyl Denver field office, with the succinct description "Sister Grotto = Heaven Metal // Soft Gaze out of Rhinoceropolis in Denver, CO"
Here is thusly presented their delectable 3 song release "You Don't Have To Be A House To Be Haunted"
1. Videotape
2. Uncanny
3. Witness
For more dreamy songitudes, head on over to https://sistergrotto.bandcamp.com/