Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
snacktime - mirror fears
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Denver based electronic artist Kate Warner aka Mirror Fears specializes in smart, noisy, dark ambient club bangers. Little surprise then that she found a kindred spirit in the similarly minded Denver transplant/STL ex-pat/once and future PP curator Brad "Night Grinder" Schumacher. The two are taking their acts on the road over the next couple weeks, with stops in Kansas City, St. Louis, Altamont, Dekalb, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, and Minneapolis. To celebrate, here are a couple of her tunes, a studio track "Digest 1", and "Cecile, Man", which was recorded live on 88.5 KGNU on 10/26/15.As a special treat, if you attend the St. Louis show at Kismet Creative Center this Friday (11/13), not only will you get to take in sets by Mirror Fears, Night Grinder, Catholic Guilt, Monster Sized Monster, and Sean Ballard, but Dingus will also be there DJing ALL NEW NEVER HEARD episodes of Paradoxal Pterodactyl between sets. Bet you thought we were bullshitting when we said there was new isht coming, NOPE, we were just saving it for a special occasion. They'll be released into the feed over the coming few weeks, but if you want to watch them hatch for yourself, be there. Who knows, maybe you'll even score an invite to the private listening party for the long-awaited release of the Icebergs album/website at Dingus's crib this weekend. AND STILL MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS TO COME. CAW, MUTHAFUCKA.More Mirror Fears at: http://mirrorfears.bandcamp.com/Night Grinder is still at: https://nightgrinder.bandcamp.com/FB page for tour info: https://www.facebook.com/events/153717848310775FB page for STL show: https://www.facebook.com/events/1102535103110114/
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
snacktime - ghost ice @ blank space 9/11/2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Catching a Ghost Ice set always feels like you caught the most elusive Pokemon. You find something so cool that you end up patting yourself on the back just for being in the right place at the right time. And then POOF! it's gone, just a memory, and you're left standing there staring blankly at Jeremy Kannapell, and he's like "what?" Well not this time. Thanks to recent advances in spirit audiography, we have pulled this psychic imprint from the Tü Fest kickoff show at Blank Space out of the aether (ok, Dingus's overly full SD card, actually), and hereby submit it for your perusal. Recommended listening for the easily possessed and the adventurous comatose.
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
snacktime - harvey forest @ way out weirdo wednesday #1
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
So, if you missed the announcement, Paradoxal Pterodactyl is hosting a full bill of weirdo music on the first Wednesday of every month at the Way Out Club, with acts hand selected by our curatorial staff with the goal of booking new and/or rarely seen acts alongside our usual scene favorites, and the greatest hits from our podcast feed spun between sets. The inaugural edition was on 10/7/2015, and was kicked off with this shimmering ambient set by Harvey Forest, aka Matt Muslin, playing his first STL set in five long years! Also on the bill was Benjamin Kaplan bringing his unique flavor of thoughtful cut-up manipulations, PP regular Jaded Evil Lambs with his junksynth meanderings, and noiser power-trio-come-lately Bicycletricycle. Don't miss the second installment of Way Out Weirdo Wednesday coming up quickly on 11/4/2015 featuring Brandywine River, Dave Stone, WHSKY JANEToR, and a one-off duo performance from David Bell & Joe Hess. Big thanks as always to Bobbo & Sherri Danger. Much love. New legit episode of Paradoxal Pterodactyl coming soon, we'll likely whet your appetite with a couple more snacktimes meanwhile. Stick around.Check out more Harvey Forest at: https://soundcloud.com/forest-wizardBen Kaplan has a really cool new release you should check out as well: https://iheartbuffets.bandcamp.com/releasesGet hip to the BikeTrike steeze: https://bicycletricycle.bandcamp.com/releasesJaded Evil Lambs is overdue for new shit, stay tuned to: https://jadedevillambs.bandcamp.com/releases
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
snacktime - the floating city @ foam 8/14/2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
If for some reason you missed The Floating City's first show in ten years last night at Foam, take a tip and don't make the same mistake tonight. Go to Foam. Tonight. It would be great if they kept it going, but as far as we know, tonight's it. And last night was worth the wait. If you missed them in their first life, here's a recap: http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/rftmusic/2015/08/floating_city_a_history.phpEntering A Contest is one of Dingus's favorite St. Louis records of all time, and after hearing it for the first time ten years ago and going "WOW, I really should finally get around to checking these guys out live" literally the day after their final show and regretting it ever since, he was totally geeked to be there last night, and really hopes once you hear this little appetizer he pulled from his recording, you'll go see them tonight, and maybe even give them your monies at https://thefloatingcity.bandcamp.com/ He also hopes you'll forgive that run on sentence. Couldn't help it. Too excited.1. Kansas City2. Death Masque3. Where You Are
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
snacktime - breakdancing ronald reagan @ blank space 1/10/2013
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Breakdancing Ronald Reagan is Johnathan Cash from Austin, Texas. He's a tireless, nonstop, maybe even RELENTLESS noisemaker- touring his ass off, releasing copious amounts of material, putting on the recently defunct annual huge noisefest suxbysuxwest, bodyslamming his gear through motherfucking tables, getting knifed and hammered in his dome, etc. etc. If you haven't witnessed him in action, you've probably at least heard the tall tales. BRR last graced STL in 2013 at Blank Space, and Dingus was there and is proud to present for your enjoyment not only the archival audio found here, but also the man himself in person at Dingus's crib this coming Sunday, July 19, 2015. Noise BBQ Mini-Fest! Firing up the smoker at two, music around 4. Full lineup is Breakdancing Ronald Reagan, Aunt's Analog (also on tour from Austin), Jaded Evil Lambs, Catholic Guilt, Fecal Dam vs. Janet, Larva Lu, and American Merlin. Not necessarily in that order. Gonna be tits. Be there.Here are all the dates of the BRR/Aunt's Analog tour. You should go.July 15th - Austin, TX [Cherry Park]July 16th - OFFJuly 17th - Oklahoma City, OK [The Shop]July 18th - Wichita, KS [Fairview Palace]July 19th - St.Louis, MO [Oo-de-lally]July 20th - Chicago, IL [Fuck Palace]July 21st - Dayton, OH [Smiles 4 Miles]July 22nd - Athens, OH [Bat Lounge]July 23rd to 26th - Millstone, WV [Voice of the Valley] July 27th - Richmond, VA [The Crystal Palace]July 28th - Johnson City, TN [The Hideaway]July 29th - Atlanta, GA [Eyedrum]July 30th - New Orleans, LA [Saturn Bar]July 31st - OFFAugust 1st - Austin, TX [Peeb's Palace] https://breakdancingronaldreagan.bandcamp.com/ for more sounds
Monday Apr 13, 2015
paradoxal pterodactyl - episode 31
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015
curated by dingus, chad, and husky sombrero. specimens: jessica campbell, jaded evil lambs, the ursula gunn, the violent years, mad at dad, son of chad, kevin, paul, cameron, stasia, mort, ben, dj, del bud, fone friends, wind & wood, rocks & shoes, brad, radon 222 dub, unfortunate & disoriented young lady dialing the wrong number in the middle of the night, jupiter/moonrock, willis, deion, anhydrous man, bryan hobein.
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
snacktime - .e "arp" & "of bones (of ghosts)"
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Approaching rapidly: Dottie Georges AKA .e takes to the stage after an extended hiatus, to celebrate the release of her debut album "Of Crashing Symbols" in CD, LP, and digital download formats. Featured here are two of the 9 tracks on the record, "Arp" and "Of Bones (Of Ghosts)". To get the rest of it, stay tuned at dottiegeorges.com for details or come on out to the release show on Saturday, 4.11.2015 at the Heavy Anchor (5226 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116), featuring superb opening acts Van Buren and Hands & Feet. Starts at 9 PM, $5 gets you in, 21 and up please! Don't miss this joyous event, it has been a long time in the making!
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
paradoxal pterodactyl - episode 30
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
curated by dingus. specimens: thirteen after, essex bounty, jaded evil lambs, tracie harris (axp), the arms of sleep, shea, blank generation, the further adventures of lieutenant rushing, fry13, radiator greys.
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
snacktime - Jeremy of 'Johnnie In Jeans' sings "security guard"
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Jeremy of the group 'Johnnie In Jeans' (and a good pal of tha 'cast) sings a tune off of his previous record. Recorded at Chad's house.https://www.facebook.com/pages/Johnnie-In-Jeans/215524558531730http://www.theinsidiousdevice.com/
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
paradoxal pterodactyl - episode 29
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
curated by chad. specimens: cryptic composure, tha mo murda crew, fone friends, josh, fry daddy, the nelories, stl zoo train, mort & joe, matt, mccausland skinker clayton oakland, germ v, london underground, johnny mac & cheese, 810, blair, laurie, project sted-fast, ken, joe & marc, matt, sara, mr. silly man, george hrab, wiggs, dj, tim, todd, the news man, michelle, debbie, stasia, em, turan, johnnie in jeans